Bound by infernal chains the King caressed by fire, the flames lapping his flesh licking the salt from his tears as Hungry hounds. Just out of reach as the coals grow hotter the flames crack at his feet . Knowing his only chance at salvation is to be consumed by the beast. A suit he wore well, an all too outdated style. Adornments from what his constituents would call a bygone era. Fire goads a daring revelation.
[]Let the ceremony commence

You know he likes to let one lose every now again. wiggling the bugger shifts into an silken wolf. before you can get a better look the bath of the king swallows all impurities, the wolf is cleansed away.
only and ashen king remains on all fours, scared lips lick ash into paste.

[]Intervene on the king's immolation

He needs your help, he looks to you desperately, you seem him for what he is. liberation as the effigy writhes, he sees it too